The Level I Kundalini Teacher Training course
The course is open to everyone

The 220-hour certification program exceeds the Yoga Alliance requirements and graduates earn the title of KRI Certified Instructor of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan®.
As a KRI certified Kundalini YogaInstructor, you will be trained in the tradition passed on by Yogi Bhajan, Master of Kundalini Yoga, to carry the legacy of Kundalini Yoga into the Aquarian Age. By teaching Kundalini Yoga you link in the Golden Chain, the subtle connection between you and Yogi Bhajan and the legacy of teachers which goes back in
time to the sacred source of the teachings of Kundalini Yoga.
Certification Requirements
Our Teacher Training team reserves the right to grant KRI Certification solely at their discretion and the evaluation of each participant's readiness to be a Kundalini Yoga teacher. Evaluation is based on successfully meeting the KRI Teacher Training course requirements including, but not limited to:
Pre-Course Requirements
- Attend 20 or more Kundalini Yoga classes taught by a KRI certified instructor in your area.
- Or complete the 20 classes by participating in KRI certified video or online classes available at and read the book Sadhana Guidelines by Gurucharan Singh Khalsa available at KRI's online store, The Source, at
Course Requirements
- Full Payment of Course Fees
- Attend ALL 200 hours of classroom instruction
- Participate in 5 Complete Morning Group Sadhanas
- Receive satisfactory assessments for 2 practicums
- Complete homework and in-class activities
- Pass all written and/or oral exams on material covered in class
Post-Course Requirements
- Create two sample yoga class curricula: one a beginners course, the other a selected theme course
- Complete a 40 day yoga set / meditation with journal entries
- Attend one full day of White Tantric Yoga (within a year before or after the course)
- Sign the Code of Ethics and Professional Standards for Kundalini Yoga Teachers.
After completion of Level One we invite you to continue on your journey toward becoming a Teacher by completing Level Two